December 14, 2016
All of us at Disabled Veteran Solutions would like to wish all of our veterans and their families a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
As with every holiday, we always like to inform our veterans of how to enjoy the holiday. This month, we'd like to do that and also let everyone know how all of you can help veterans in need this month so they can have the best Holiday season as possible.
Want to help a veteran who might be going through challenging times? Take a look at how you can donate to worthy causes that work hard to assist veterans in need.
Ways to Help a Veteran
Adopt-a-Veteran – The programs such as the Elk Lodge’s program are targeted toward any veterans that are lonely or isolated. Veterans in VA hospitals, assisted care homes, community living center, retirement homes, homeless and transitional shelters, and hospital domiciliary programs are all eligible.
Corporate Matching Gifts – Check to see if your employer matches your donation
Check with your human resources, employee benefits office or community relations office
Request an Employee Matching Gift form
Verify the veterans charity you’d like to donate to is eligible
Combined Federal Campaign – Pledges made by Federal civilian, postal and military donors during the campaign season (September 1st to December 15th) support eligible non-profit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world.
Planned Giving – Wills, Trusts, Charitable Gift Annuities
Organize a fundraiser
Donate the Following
Airline/Hotel and Credit Card points/miles
Bonds or Stocks
Entertainment tickets
Household items
Are you a veteran looking to make a beautiful giveaway from the cold this season?
Have a look at this website that offers discounted vacations to beautiful locations around the world.