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Disabled Veteran Solutions - Did you know?

DVS not only employs customer service agents from our local community, but from other States as well. In fact, we currently hire from 12 States within the contiguous U.S.

Expanding our team across State lines by hiring remote employees has been a smart business strategy and that holds true for many companies. Below are just a few examples of the advantages of working remotely:

Remote employees are more productive

Research shows that remote workers are significantly more productive than employees working in offices

You access a wider talent pool

When you need to hire employees from a set location, you limit your talent pool. In contrast, remote work lets you access the very best talent across the country.

It’s safer

The mass effects of COVID-19 introduced more people to work model. As a result, more employees now want to secure long-term remote opportunities, especially when they want to keep safe!

It reduces costs for employees

Hiring remote workers reduces costs for workers. The financial (and emotional!) drag of commuting is completely removed, which surveys suggest saves remote workers about $5,000 per year. And that is without factoring in the cost of regularly buying lunch out!

It increases employee retention

The cost of replacing an employee can be colossal. Recruiting and training new employees involves a ton of time and resources, so you want to be sure that new employees will actually stick around. Remote work goes a huge way to improve this – research reveals that 95% of companies report that remote working has a big positive effect on employee retention – not surprising when you consider that two-thirds of workers say they’d take a new job if it had a better commute!

It’s greener

We live in an age of heightened environmental awareness, and businesses are increasingly called upon to introduce greener strategies into their operations. With that in mind, it is important to consider the environmental benefits of working remotely. Research suggests that if employees with remote-compatible jobs worked from home even half the time, annually our environment would be spared:

  • $20 million in gas;

  • 54 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions (comparable to taking 10 million cars off the road);

  • 640 million barrels of oil (at a saving of $64 billion);

  • 119 billion miles of highway driving

The mass COVID-19 remote work experiment also introduced more people to work model. As a result, more employees now want to secure long-term remote opportunities.

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